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AI and Improved Knowledgebase-Search

AI and Improved Knowledgebase-Search strategy to improve agent assist from Service Operations Workspace and Service Portal.
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AI and Improved Knowledgebase-Search

AI and Improved Knowledgebase-Search because in today’s fast-paced business environment, everyone seeks to maximize their investment in knowledge. Therefore, it’s no surprise that understanding how to leverage AI and improved knowledgebase-search strategies becomes essential.

AI and ServiceNow

The industry is a buzz on Knowledge powered Generative AI after the record event ServiceNow, “Knowledge”. Agent Assist is part of seamless integration of knowledge on demand when it is needed as part of the experience.

Unraveling the Offerings of ServiceNow Knowledge

This article unravels the offerings and mysteries of ServiceNow Knowledge, exploring how AI and agent assist features come into play. By integrating these advanced technologies, organizations not only enhance their knowledge management systems but also streamline search processes. Consequently, they gain more value from their knowledge investments. Now Assist gives relevant answers and summarizing interactions, raising articles, and finding solutions for people with any level of expertise.

Transforming Your Approach to Knowledge Management

By diving into how AI and improved knowledgebase-search can transform your organization’s approach to knowledge management, you will discover new ways to optimize efficiency. Consequently, this will lead to more accurate information retrieval and empower agents to resolve issues swiftly and effectively. Ultimately, leveraging these strategies will significantly boost productivity and ensure your organization gets the most out of its investment in knowledge.

AI and Improved Knowledgebase-Search License Features

FeatureStandard LicensePro LicenseRequirements for AI Search in Agent Assist
Knowledge Base ManagementYesYes
Knowledge Article AuthoringYesYes
Knowledge Article PublishingYesYes
Knowledge Article VersioningYesYes
Knowledge Article FeedbackYesYes
Knowledge Approval WorkflowsYesYes
Knowledge SearchYesYes
Knowledge Analytics and ReportingYesYes
Knowledge Article TemplatesYesYes
Advanced Knowledge Search (AI)NoYesAI Search in Agent Assist requires Pro License
Personalized Search RecommendationsNoYes
Natural Language Processing (NLP)NoYes
Search OptimizationNoYes
Integrated AI and ML CapabilitiesNoYes
AI Search in Agent AssistNoYesPro License, Service Operations Workspace, and proper configuration of AI/ML
Knowledge-Centric Incident ManagementYesYes
Contextual Knowledge for AgentsYesYesPro License, Service Operations Workspace, for more advanced Task Intelligence for ITSM
Advanced Analytics and InsightsNoYes

Knowledge Management License Notes:

  • Standard License: Provides core knowledge management functionalities such as knowledge base management, article authoring, publishing, versioning, feedback, approval workflows, basic search, and analytics.
  • Pro License: Includes all standard features plus advanced capabilities like AI-powered search, personalized recommendations, NLP, search optimization, and integrated AI and ML capabilities.
  • Requirements for AI Search in Agent Assist: To include AI search in Agent Assist within the Service Operations Workspace, you need the Pro License. Additionally, ensure the Service Operations Workspace is properly set up and AI/ML features are configured according to your organization’s needs.

These features aim to make knowledge search easier and more efficient for your organization, leveraging advanced technologies in the Pro License.

What is AI Search Agent Assist?

ServiceNow Agent Assist significantly enhances the service operations workspace experience by empowering agents to quickly find and access relevant information while working on tickets or incidents. Here’s how it improves the experience:

Agent Assist automatically populates the search bar with the short description of the ticket or incident being worked on.

AI Search Assist:

  • Within the Agent Workspace, AI Search Assist helps agents find the most relevant items in their search.
  • For example, an agent working on an incident record can use AI Search Assist to:

Contextual Search Information:

    General Optimization for Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness

    The challenge is how can optimize knowledge management capabilities from the foundation? For users of the standard licensing, it is desirable to make knowledge most useable to benefit End Users and Support agents to improve “Find-ability” of knowledge content to help quickly to resolve problems.

    Moreover, as you leverage these strategies, you will notice a significant boost in productivity. Consequently, your organization maximizes the value of its knowledge management system. Therefore, implementing AI and improved knowledgebase-search strategies ensures your organization gets the most out of its investment in knowledge.

    Strategies to Improve Search and Find Capabilities

    Optimize Knowledge Article Metadata

    To optimize knowledge article metadata, use descriptive titles. Ensure that all knowledge articles have clear, concise, and descriptive titles that accurately reflect the content. Moreover, apply relevant tags and keywords to articles to improve their discoverability during searches. Include synonyms and common alternative terms to cover a broader range of search queries.

    Structured Content Organization

    For structured content organization, categorize articles into well-defined categories and subcategories. This organization helps agents navigate the knowledge base more efficiently. Additionally, standardize the format of articles using templates to ensure consistency and completeness. Consequently, this makes it easier for agents to scan articles quickly and find the information they need.

    Enhance Article Quality

    To enhance article quality, write content that is clear and concise. Use bullet points, headings, and short paragraphs to improve readability. Furthermore, ensure that articles are reviewed and updated regularly to keep the information current and accurate. This practice maintains the reliability and relevance of the knowledge base.

    To maximize the effectiveness of your knowledge base, it’s essential to provide a variety of knowledge articles that cater to different needs and contexts. Consequently, this approach ensures that users can find the assistance they need precisely when they need it. Here are some alternative types of knowledge articles and when to use them:

    User Guides

    Firstly, User Guides serve as comprehensive resources that cover detailed instructions on how to use a system or product. They are particularly beneficial for new users who need to understand the overall functionality and features. Therefore, use User Guides when:

    • Onboarding New Users: When new employees or customers start using your system, User Guides can provide them with a thorough introduction, helping them get up to speed quickly.
    • Introducing New Functionality: When you roll out significant updates or new features, User Guides can explain these changes in detail, ensuring users understand how to utilize the new functionality effectively.
    • Providing Step-by-Step Instructions: For complex processes that require multiple steps, User Guides offer a detailed walkthrough, reducing the likelihood of user errors and increasing confidence in using the system.

    Guided Tours

    Next, Guided Tours offer an interactive way to introduce users to your system or new features. These tours can walk users through specific processes or functionalities, providing real-time guidance and context. Consequently, Guided Tours are ideal when:

    • Launching New Software or Features: When introducing new software or significant updates, Guided Tours can help users navigate and understand the new interface and features without feeling overwhelmed.
    • Training Sessions: For training purposes, Guided Tours can serve as a hands-on learning tool, allowing users to learn by doing and reinforcing their understanding through interaction.
    • On-Demand Assistance: When users need immediate help with a particular task, Guided Tours can provide instant, contextual guidance, reducing frustration and improving the user experience.

    Just-in-Time Knowledge

    Moreover, Just-in-Time Knowledge provides users with the precise information they need at the exact moment they need it. This type of knowledge article is particularly useful for addressing specific issues or answering frequently asked questions. Therefore, use Just-in-Time Knowledge when:

    • Resolving Immediate Issues: When users encounter problems or have questions, Just-in-Time Knowledge articles can offer quick solutions, allowing them to continue their work without significant delays.
    • Providing Contextual Help: Embed these articles within the user interface to provide relevant information based on the user’s current actions or location within the system.
    • Enhancing Self-Service Support: For self-service portals, Just-in-Time Knowledge articles empower users to find answers independently, reducing the need for support tickets and increasing overall satisfaction.

    Create a variety of different types of Knowledge Base Articles to provide different levels of assistance, for example Guided Tours or Users Guide for new Users, or New functionality. Targeted help for the moment.

    Leverage Search Configuration Options

    When leveraging search configuration options, configure the search engine to recognize synonyms and exclude common stop words that don’t add value to the search results. Additionally, adjust the relevance settings to prioritize the most frequently accessed or highly rated articles. This tuning ensures that users find the most useful information quickly.

    Promote Best Practices for Agents

    Promoting best practices for agents involves providing training sessions on how to use the search function effectively. Include tips on using filters and advanced search techniques. Furthermore, implement a feedback system where agents can rate articles and suggest improvements. Use this feedback to continually refine the knowledge base, making it more user-friendly and efficient.

    Utilize Reporting and Analytics

    To utilize reporting and analytics effectively, monitor search queries and results to identify common search terms and gaps in the knowledge base. Use this data to create new articles or update existing ones. Additionally, analyze usage metrics to determine which articles are most accessed and frequently used. Ensure these high-usage articles are easy to find and up to date.

    Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

    Encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing involves fostering a culture of knowledge sharing among agents. Recognize and reward contributions to the knowledge base to motivate continuous participation. Furthermore, utilize collaboration tools within ServiceNow to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and best practices among agents. This approach enhances the collective expertise and efficiency of the team.

    Achieving Comprehensive benefits: Improving Agent Search in ServiceNow Knowledge Management

    In addition, the integration of AI and advanced search technologies within ServiceNow Knowledge transforms how organizations manage and utilize their knowledge assets. Consequently, companies streamline their operations, enhance overall efficiency, and improve effectiveness.

    ServiceNow AI and Improved Knowledgebase-Search Resources

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