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COVID CyberAttacks cost hospitals millions, some of Mitch’s Leadership Tips could save millions.

37% increase of Hospital attacks. Hospital cyberfraud protection, prevention, and remediation is a modern example of where the subject matter experts of financial controls, IT controls and security operations must maintain a natural alignment for business continuity and disaster recovery.

The Wall Street Journal reported that some hospitals are losing millions in the last year of Coronavirus pandemic, faces new and immense strain due to increased threats from hacker cyberfraud attacks.

  • How do you understand what you have, and what is at risk (Business and Systems)?
  • How do you make sure you are using current standards to reduce risk?
  • How to detect abnormalities?

Mitch Mitchell helps cultivate hospital leadership, maximize revenue, and increase cash. His recent article, for MiraMed Global Services shares “5 Ideas for Hospital CFOs to learn and Implement“.

Mitch implemented a leadership strategy that helped one hospital recognize gross revenue increases of + $730 million in the first year.

Sitting with the departments you interact with, could increase revenue and improve the dialogue on Hospital IT/IS technology risk management.

Hospitals of all sizes need to have plans to address revenue and cyberfraud risk management. The tips shared in this article can focus discussions, improve policies & keep pace with current cyberfraud risks. Managing causes and reducing cyber fraud risks are more effective when all teams bring their best subject matter leadership.

Mitch can help hospitals and healthcare to layout their revenue and risk management strategies to improve dialogue, dollars, and strategies to defend against modern cyberfraud.

Understand Revenue Integrity:

Mitch Mitchell President/CEO, T. T. Mitchell Consulting, Inc.LinkedIn | YouTube

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“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.”

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