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COVID-19 Crisis Employment World Task Force

Image by Jeyaratnam Caniceus from Pixabay

April 2, 2020: COVID -19 Crisis Employment World Task Force is looking for other leadership professionals to help us assemble a world task force to mobilize a taskforce to produce immediate online training for freelance labor market place, work from home jobs, career services, and COVID Emergency Aid Resources.

This is a world pandemic, and you are not alone at home.

Let us join forces to build a world wellness forum where our members can feed and support their families where they are, safe, healthy, whole.

COVID-19 Global Employment Task Force | Facebook

The need is epic. The talent of our community is too. Let us innovate! Let us create energy around opportunity, health and healing!!

Updates on Global Coronavirus: https://www.soinnovatejobs.com/covid19/

For Support Resources: https://www.soinnovatejobs.com/a-to-z-resources/

A-Z   |  Employment Taskforce  |  Recruiting  Network   |  Jobs N Career Success Networks –  Facebook  | LinkedIn

Questions, ask on the group or  Contact Dawn C Simmons  on Facebook or LinkedIn

Tags :

career, career success, employment, executive womens jobs, global employment, job search, jobs, jobseeker, lay off support, recruiting professionals, unemployment support, work from home

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“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.”

Tags :

career, career success, employment, executive womens jobs, global employment, job search, jobs, jobseeker, lay off support, recruiting professionals, unemployment support, work from home

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