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Uber’s Call Center Security Social Engineering Massive System Breach

Enterprise level Businesses lose approximately $75B annually due to poor customer services. Social Engineering that compromises sensitive corporate information requires adequate use of training, tooling, and technology to deliver uncompromised service Experience.


Uber is hot recent cautionary tale on emphasis on quality Call Center Management. Using social engineering, a 18 year old lone hacker was able to trick call center staff into giving access on the pretense of being a support colleague, the hacker was able to gain access by pretending to be a colleague to compromising login credentials.  The hacker was able to grab snapshots from cloud systems that was used by Uber to store sensitive customer and financial data records.

Call Center Industry Demand

Call Centers market estimates are expected to become a $496B industry within the next 5 years. Make no mistake however, this increase in demand, will create more Cyber Security Events without a solid plan for training, technology, to protect against social engineering.  

Customer Experience: First Call Resolution

35% of customers want quality support with first call resolution to the issues they are calling about.  This expectation is so key to the customer experience.  It also puts Call Center Employees under pressure that without training, introduces vulnerabilities far reaching beyond the singular customer experience. Employee training, tools, monitoring, and continuous improvement is so important to be able to keep pace.  

Enterprise Operations often look to cost effective customer service. At the same time First Call Resolution pressure on the Call Center agents requires clear governance.  The need to have effective call handling for inbound support calls, marketing intelligence, and more is in demand. The front line for your service operations can make or break you.   With offshored operations, they are looking to AI and quality monitoring.   Call Center Operations is a mix of talent, technology, and continuous training. 

Increased Call Center Social Engineering: Cyber Security Risk

The Countries with Highest data breach costs are US $9.44M and the Middle East $7.46M, and Canada 45.64M.   Post COVID has driven demand for call handling, making Call Centers an essential industry for business of all sizes for creating demand, scheduling services, and managing customer service.  As the front line for a business’s brand, quality matters. 


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and (RPA)

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Cyber Fraud Prevention Executive Women’s Network | Global Education Study AbroadGlobal Recruiting Network | Vouch4Vets |

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