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Noir and Grit: This is The Batman

2022: The Batman is the darkest of batman’s, following a mix of noir and grit, perhaps a reflection of our times. This version is following Batman’s second year of fighting crime, and thus it emphasizes the struggle for identity and misunderstanding. The story line does not rely on high-tech gadgetry to capture the hearts and minds of Gotham.

The Batman stays in the shadows of mind and existential crisis, while chasing the plot through Gotham.

  • Self-Reliance is transformation from alienation
  • Trust no one as moral corruption creates survivalist lies
  • Cynicism as the lonely Vigilante Hero
  • Of course, I’m a recluse, I also play a recluse hero, fight crime, go back to my cave
  • If self-doubt and guilt doesn’t kill you, someone else will.

What I loved about “The Batman”

I was amazed at Colin Farrell‘s virtually unrecognizable portrayal of the Penguin. Farrell’s transformation was so complete, you would not believe it is him.

Robert Pattinson rocked “The Batman” character

Character wise, Robert Pattinson ranks as one of my favorite, Batman Characters. I loved what his acting style brought to the character a grunge angst hero is a perfect modern interpretation on the theme. I liked the practical, modern stylings of “The Batman” and that successfully conveyed the “new superhero” feeling with plenty of “wow” utility belt functionality that was right sized for the character.

Zoë Kravitz defined a purrrfect modern self-aware Catwoman


Zoë Kravitz wins the gold for her depiction of Catwoman. She was strong, persuasive, more modern interpretation on the character. Eartha Kitt, is still my favorite, not just because of her name, but Zoë’s interpretation brings more independent strength as a woman living her values, despite facing her own darkness.

The Batman (2022) – IMDb – Zoe Kravitz is Catwoman

Zoë Kravitz Selena Kyle character adds the necessary smart sparkle without shallow reliance on only sexuality. Her role exists to challenge assumptions. Selena Kyle works at the seedy Iceberg Club, dressed scantily and as a waitress, we are meant to assume that she, like her mother used her sexuality to get ahead. Challenge what you see as a truth is also a message. It became clear Selena Kyle, although the child of a mobster and a “lady of the night”, she was able to live values and find resilience in a world that would otherwise misunderstand and label her.

If I were to rank my favorite Catwoman of all time:

  • Eartha Kitt
  • Zoë Kravitz
  • Julie Newmar
  • Halle Berry
  • Lee Meriwether
  • Anne Hathaway
  • Michelle Pfeiffer

I know I know Michelle Pfeiffer was most people’s favorite but to me, visually she transformed the character stylings, but the reason her character was so successful, is the ironically the reason why I like the Zoë Kravitz interpretation better. Michelle Pfeiffer’s character interpretation explored the range between day time meek secretary and night time power house of sexuality.

I think Kravitz character is a smarter, more balanced in character, what she does for work has no bearing on transforming adversity, living her life on purpose, stand for her beliefs, that appeals more to me. Plus, she rides a great motorcycle

What I did not love about this The Batman Movie

This movie in many times would be better as a video game then as the movie . Where interactions are meaningless and characters are 2 dimensional and either good or bad.

The narrative flaws that threw me are many, but the two that stick out most:

  • The Mobster overlay of characters could have been interesting, but instead opted for more of a ‘video game’ interaction of assumed characters. We are getting names thrown at us without introduction and then later, oh yeah, here is Catwoman Daddy, Carmine Falcone (John Tuturro). Sorry you didn’t bring us in enough to care.
  • It became completely unclear why the Riddler’s sudden rise to power social media developed such a following that they would stage a one-time overthrow of power and then just disappear all willing to show up with a ‘world so empty without me’ moment disconnected from the story.

The Characters I didnt love:

Commissioner Gordon’s character was flat and disinteresting.

The Riddler was an epic fail, for being an interesting perspective, they muted his vibrance as a character, tried to introduce a sinister element, but did not do a great job in the transition. For me this is what makes this a C movie.

Riddle me this, why did you do this to us?

The worst part of this “The Batman” movie is that its central theme revolved around an irritating disjointed narrative with weak character development. I liked the dynamic tension potential that was introduced by making the Riddler a Serial Killer, but the caricature of a villain that visually combines early Bill Gates and “Where’s Waldo”. Alas disjointed and shallow character development fails to ‘bring you in’ to the tension.

Not the Best Bruce Wayne:

The Pattinson Bruce Wayne character was my least favorite portrayal of Bruce Wayne. He does convey the Wayne character reclusiveness, but it felt more like Bruce Wayne as a tragic grunge artist than a reclusive millionaire.

In the best balance of Bruce Wayne and Batman Character my favorites were:

  • George Clooney
  • Ben Afleck
  • Christian Bale
  • Adam West

THIS is just MY opinion on The Batman(s) and characters.

What is your point of view?

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