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Microsoft Teams Tripping Transcription Tenancy.

Here are some important How-To’s for Managing the Transcription Options for Teams:

Transcription is a new feature in Microsoft Teams. It is a good idea to notify attendees when you are recording or enabling transcription logging. When turned on, transcription will be logged with speaker’s profile and time span until the call ends or transcriptions are turned off. Transcription ONLY works for Scheduled and Recurring Meetings. It will not work for Meet Now Meetings or Channel Meetings.

Only people in your “tenant” can turn the transcription features on and off. This is important to know because if you arrange meetings for people outside of your tenancy, they cannot turn the transcription features off it was turned on by default.

If you wish to end transcription, click the ellipsis and select stop transcription. Not everyone can use this option. Chris Menard produced this useful list Meeting Permission Roles with roles attending a Teams meeting that can use the turn transcription off feature:

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