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GE Change Acceleration Process

GE Change Acceleration Process (CAP) is a strategy designed team problem-solving and empowerment program to implement successful change. Experience the strategic prowess of GE Change Acceleration Process (CAP), a rapid organizational change implementation strategy.

At its core, CAP is anchored in the Change Effectiveness Equation, linking project success (E) to the Quality (Q) of technical solution and Acceptance (A) of solution by stakeholders. This equation serves as a reminder that even the most exceptional technical solution can fail without the stakeholder buy in.

Even the greatest technical solution, with little buy-in from key stakeholders, will be unsuccessful.”


Change Acceleration Process (CAP) was an innovation of General Electric (GE) in 1989-90 as a team-based problem-solving and employee empowerment program called Work-Out. The GE Change Acceleration Process Workshop is a practical example shared by Deborah Newton of how the GE CAP Workshop is applied, some portions of this presentation will follow to illustrate the key templates I find so very useful and applicable to CAP.

Navigating the GE Change Acceleration Process (CAP) Templates

At its core, the GE Change Acceleration Process (CAP) Templates Toolkit took shape as a beacon of best practices. The GE CAP Template was meticulously crafted to tackle a distinct challenge head-on. With a resolute understanding that even projects brimming with the highest technical acumen could falter without acknowledging critical cultural elements during implementation, General Electric devised the CAP Toolkit to propel results forward.

Unveiling the GE Change Acceleration Process

The model unfurls as a rich tapestry interwoven with seven elemental phases of change, each strand bearing profound significance in shaping a triumphant change initiative. These phases stand as the robust pillars upon which the journey towards successful transformation securely rests, encapsulating:

Leading Change

Leading Change: The resolute commitment of leadership to champion change remains an indispensable cornerstone, furnishing an unwavering guiding light.

During project initiation, a pivotal factor lies in establishing unequivocal consensus on the scope’s boundaries. Project Definition boundary agreements emerge as essential components—though seemingly straightforward, they wield remarkable influence.

Scope In/Out serves as the framing, complemented by the pivotal concept of Project Bounding. This tandem approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of the project’s limits and empowers effective decision-making.

Creating a Shared Need

Creating a Shared Need: The call for change must resonate, fostering acceptance and active engagement.

One of my favorite tools of CAP is understanding the short-term and long-term elements that comprise a well-structured and shared need. TOP Analysis, which stands for Threats, Opportunities, and the Proofs people will need, serves as a compass in this regard. Threats and Opportunities Analysis organizes the key elements of a shared need, systematically harnessing your data for a strategic approach.

Shaping a Vision

Shaping a Vision: A clear and vivid post-change organizational impact, skillfully presented by leadership, emerges as an unwavering guiding star.

Utilize the “More of/Less of” chart to envision discernible behaviors arising from successful change. What transformations will foster positive outcomes or mitigate challenges? Delve deeply into these specifics to embrace the transformative vision comprehensively.

Mobilizing Commitment

Mobilizing Commitment: With the foundational steps firmly entrenched, the journey of momentum cultivation towards the change imperative takes center stage.

Another pivotal instrument in the analysis and mobilization of commitment is the stakeholder analysis tool. This tool serves as a vital compass, offering a comprehensive understanding of stakeholders’ diverse perspectives. This alignment of efforts paves the way for a smoother and more coherent journey toward transformation.

Making Change Last

Making Change Last: The pursuit of sustainability presents a formidable challenge, necessitating a profound learning curve from past mistakes, the adaptability of initiatives when required, and the seamless integration of change into the very fabric of the organization.

The Making Change Last Checklist acts as a compass, expertly steering teams through crucial change elements before the implementation phase. What exactly are the pivotal components of early success factors that can serve as the spark for momentum? Where precisely can we fine-tune commitment, leadership, and resource allocation to effectively bolster the prospects of success? How can we infuse the transformative journey with the essence of interest and excitement? By delving into these intricate aspects, the foundation of change endurance is fortified and poised for lasting impact.

Employing a meticulously designed checklist, the force field analysis emerges as a practical tool, adept at identifying actions that either propel or hinder change acceptance. This insightful analysis plays a pivotal role in singling out the common factors that can significantly influence the success trajectory or conversely impede the efforts.

Vital to this process is the meticulous inclusion of the right stakeholders, skillfully managing the nuances of messaging, and nurturing a supportive environment. These facets are undeniably integral in ensuring the change’s enduring success. By methodically taking into account these crucial elements, a robust foundation for sustained and impactful transformation is thoughtfully established.

Monitoring Progress

Monitoring progress: Continuously assessing the trajectory of the change initiative and appropriately acknowledging milestones plays a pivotal role in solidifying the change within the organization. By diligently monitoring progress and timely celebrating achievements, the change becomes deeply ingrained in the organizational fabric.

The Monitoring Progress Analysis assumes a central role in this endeavor, serving as a valuable instrument for harmonizing essential project management elements. It involves defining execution timelines and responsibilities, all while astutely accounting for both the technical facets and cultural nuances at play. This holistic tool ensures a seamless approach that propels the change journey forward, all the while maintaining a harmonious equilibrium between operational efficiency and the human dimension.

Changing Systems and Structures

Changing Systems and Structures: Maintaining active momentum, the spotlight remains firmly on the trajectory of sustained advancement. This pivotal phase delves even deeper into the intricate art of preserving and enhancing gains. Drawing invaluable insights from past experiences, it systematically refines initiatives and firmly establishes change as the prevailing norm.

Central to this endeavor is the indispensable development of a Stakeholder-oriented plan. This plan meticulously dissects potential contributors and obstacles, while concurrently laying out a comprehensive framework of recommended courses of action. A pivotal strategy, specially crafted for this phase, involves an all-encompassing evaluation that spans across both Staff and Development aspects. This methodical scrutiny involves measuring success, identifying incentives, honing communications, shaping the organization, managing information flow, and judiciously allocating resources.

This exhaustive assessment serves as a guiding beacon for the transformation of systems and structures. These critical components are strategically aligned to fortify the journey to success. The key to excellence lies in sculpting an ecosystem that seamlessly facilitates change, thereby optimally supporting the attainment of objectives.

While navigating a successful project, the CAP Communication Matrix becomes a strategic guide. It aids in identifying message levels and target audiences, playing a pivotal role in comprehending the project holistically. This includes the vision, methods to mobilize commitment, progress monitoring, and the intricate process of changing systems and structures for lasting value.

The Communication Matrix is an invaluable tool for conveying information effectively. It ensures that every project facet is understood by the right stakeholders. It bridges the diverse change phases, enabling seamless transitions and alignment with overarching objectives.


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