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Embracing Equity in IT Service Management

MARCH 08, 2023: IT Service Management Forum held a great open discussion on Embracing Equity in IT Service Management to celebrate International Women’s Day. The theme for International Women’s Day 2023 was #EmbraceEquity.

What can we do more, to uplift and support one another?

Chicago IL ITSMF Local Chapter President, Charles Levy and Vice-President, Dawn Simmons (Khan), moderated a very incredible discussion. itSMF embraces the importance of diversity in perspectives in business and service management to create better value. itSMF brings service managers together to collaborate and innovate on leveraging our expertise to keep pace with our digital service environment.



We already have our place at the table. Jobs n Career Success Network has helped thousands annually to find their next job or hiring incredible talent. We understand that at the heart of business is caring for one another.

We have learned IT Service Management best practices from itSMF best practices and HDI.

Deloitte Global Executive Leadership comprises 23% women and the Deloitte Global Board of Directors is 33% women, progressing toward the aspirational goal of 30% female representation in Deloitte Global leadership roles by 2023 and 40% by 2025.

Sun Microsystems for several of us on the call had taught us the power of supporting one another in all times. When times are difficult, you really learn a depth of communications and trial by fire. Right after September 11, 2001 it was the worst communications event, we had to layoff our own staff. We created Power Networks to help one another to connect differently. Step back, and think about how we can do business better!


Connected Caring, is key. Being involved in communities of best practice where we learn and grow from our connections to one another.

What can we do to create the right level of skills, best practices, and opportunities that we cannot be turned away! Some of the networks we valued from the post September 11 event included:


MARCH 20, 2023 we hosted an incredible event from ITSMs most influential leader, Troy DuMoulin, How Big is your Vision for Us (Customer Experience, Employee Experience and Caring about one another) a topic that will appeal to Service Managers, post COVID.

MAY- JUNE 2023 timeframe, we are planning How to Communicate within Organizations lead by Critical Communications Framework author, David Pultorak, and a panel of experts across Industry, Communication Leaders, CIOs, CEOs, and Executive Expert Communicators.

International Womens’ Day Resources

Please join the discussions and be part of the Improving Service Management Movement.

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