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Covid and Omicron 911, That was my Emergency

01/13/2022 8:30pm: 911, what is your emergency?

I have Covid, I can’t breathe. Face and body flushed red as I choked out while coughing as if I will lose my lung, vomit and faint before we were done. I have taken Ventolin, ice water, and am on CPAP.

  • Pulse Ox 94% and 86%
  • Too sick for temp Blood Sugar, or Blood Pressure
  • Pain: back, abdomen.

In the Ambulance:

Dizzy, Coughing, gasping for air, but breathing better after getting outside in the cold night air to the ambulance.

  • Pulse Ox 96-98%
  • Blood sugar 355
  • Blood pressure 220/119
  • Appendix pain with back pain

In the ER:

Breathing better, with intermittent breathing and coughing fits. Relentless pain in back and now chest pain, central to the heart. Did not take nitro, I did not have chest pain until now. Metabolic blood panel, check for heart attack enzymes, chest x-ray.

  • Ice and Ice Water for “heat”
  • IV Pain Management
  • IV COVID Steroid
  • Blood sugar dangerous: first at 557 (Normal is 70-99) Administered IV Insulin
  • Heart is now stable, no indication of cardiac enzymes suggesting heart attack
  • Lungs are clear
  • Kidney/Renal function is showing high Squamous epithelial cells. 8mm calcification non obstructing.
  • Spleen still showing calcification and damage, but no new degradations
  • Liver is very inflamed, putting pressure on other organs, particularly appendix (which is fine)
  • Appendix is fine.

01/14/2022 Hospital Discharge and Return to home:

Told to get plenty of rest, stay hydrated. Breathing issues much better, getting winded very easily with just walking, but its manageable. Coughing fits are 93% resolved. No back pain, kidney, appendix pain. Intermittent chest pain and GI pain. Began new medication. Headaches (not migraines), continue. Exhausted and Vision is blurry (likely from blood sugar).

  • Rest and when breathing is impacted use CPAP, if unresolved, use Ventolin.
  • When coughing is an issue, using fresh ginger or honey before Cough medicine or OTC Cold/Flue medicine.
  • Focusing on hydration- Tea, Ice and Ice Water
  • Continue Pain Management but trying rest, and hydration with natural methods to heal distressed Liver and Kidneys.
  • Pain is from inflammation of organs impacted by COVID, continue Fresh Juicing Practice for full symptom management
  • Renewed and began Libre Continuous Diabetes Monitoring (blood glucose is still high 286-371)
  • BP is elevated, when in pain, but controllable by rest, CPAP, Meditation, and hydration.
  • Studying Liver Health Recovery Dietary practices (most of which is covered already in heart and diabetic health practice). Focus vigilance on low salt, healthy fat, high fiber, whole foods. Eliminating fried foods, white sugars, flours, unhealthy white breads, and carbs with white flour, white, sugars, and low fiber. Adding fresh whole foods (as in Juicing Practice) such as Apples, Fresh Ginger, Turmeric, Garlic, Onion with antioxidant, antiinflammation properties.

Covid19 Center of Excellence A-Z Guide – Corona Virus Center Of Excellence (covid19coe.com)
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