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Constructive Feedback from Destructive Work Environment

Challenging work environments offers insight, growth opportunity, and values-based decision making. Reflection on our professional development as a journey that benefits self, our partners, managers, and the business we serve. We have a choice in viewing things negative or positive.

Sometimes it gets so discouraging! Why do they act like everyone is failing, and their success is from creating backbiting and chaos? We are all accountable to how we partner and work with others. All are entitled to a respectful work environment, but this is not always our reality.

The “Great Resignation” taught us, is that for as bad as it is, there are always options to choose a new strategy, challenge a better work environment, or use the negative to define your next more positive situation. It starts with believing there is a solution and helps to remember that “negative” or “positive” are moment in time assessments.

Best professional development comes from taking the lesson from the experience, processing what it means to you, and making skills development and values-based decisions accordingly. The Stanford Business School has some great resources for how to “act like the leader you want to be“. Recognizing that habitually micro-managerial, negative work environments shape your satisfaction with your work. Better to find the strength to let the negative become positives.

All Work Environment Define our Path

How we respond helps to define our path, our values and career trajectory. We learn by contrast from a difficult situation what is important to us, and what we are willing to do about it. Let us find a calm in the eye of a cultural storm, fraught with micro managerial types.

Leading change is a managerial value, not an organizational role. You can be a change leader by choosing and acting in a way that does not allow personality difficulty to destroy your ability to see what needs to be done, find the strength to deliver, the courage to outline what we need to make it happen, and the wisdom to know that sometimes, it is not personal.

Some of the best leaders share a few common traits:

  • They consider both the macro business view, and the micro view of how to lead change
  • They expect errors, and calmly view reasonable mistakes as part of the learning
  • They know how to confront challenges and issues with a constructive calm, seeing what needs to be done, and coaching it into reality
  • They expect accountability and are prepared to develop staff, engaged in shared success, they help remove roadblocks in performance, culture, or knowledge
  • They have a clear vision for the journey and actively champion the direction.
  • Articulate organizational change requirements, and communicate vision, to help others join and recognize success

Professional Self Control: in Toxic Work Chaos

Shade Zahrai  is an expert in brain science research into peak performance strategy. She offers solutions to calm your reaction to toxic work chaos. Shade is an Award-winning Global Peak Performance Consultant to Fortune 500s and treasured TEDx Speaker.  

Here are some ways to deal with criticism without letting it take a hit to your confidence. Here are some professional strategies to bring empathy back to work. Helping someone stressed or controlling, try to acknowledge perspectives, even if at odds of your own.

Emotional self-regulation from Career Wellness Nano Tips with Shadé Zahrai by Shadé Zahrai

Most of all, they consider there are probably more elements to a challenge, and opportunity or a threat than what they see. They explore the situation more holistically and partner to get things done. They are positive and respectful to their partners, customers, peers, and staff.

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