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FLiRT with Long-Covid Patients poses challenges for all individuals, however FLiRT (KP2) is a descendant of the Omicron variant. Now before we launch into the clever title, this is not a dating app idea. To be clear we are talking about Covid Variant FLiRT (KP2) and exploring National Institute on Health studies on impact on Long-Covid Patients.

As expected, not much is known about the impact on the current variant, but as a Long-Covid patient in recovery, I am one of the many Long-Covid Patients committed to discovering the win for recovery and freedom from the impacts of Long-Covid. We study what is known, to help close the many unknowns that compromise the day to day life of a Long-Covid Patient.

FLiRT has potential to evade immunity and exacerbate symptoms in those who are immuno-compromised, those who are Long COVID patients, and those who are elderly, have led to exponential increased healthcare needs with prolonged illness.

StrainSymptomsDetected by Rapid TestsImmunity EvasionLong COVID Impact
FLiRT KP.2Fever, cough, fatigue, loss of taste/smell, sore throat, muscle aches, shortness of breath.Yes, but sensitivity variesPartially evades immunity, leading to higher breakthrough infections.Prolonged symptoms: fatigue, cognitive issues, cardiovascular problems.
LB.1Similar to FLiRT: Fever, cough, sore throat, and runny nose.Yes, but sensitivity variesSimilar immunity evasion to FLiRT.Prolonged symptoms: fatigue, respiratory issues, brain fog.
KP.2.3Headache, muscle aches, fatigue, sore throat.Yes, generally detectedLess immunity evasion compared to FLiRT.Possible resurgence of symptoms: joint pain, fatigue, concentration issues.
JN.1Loss of taste/smell, muscle soreness, nausea, shortness of breath.Yes, but slower detectionMinor immunity evasion.Worsening of existing symptoms: respiratory issues, cognitive difficulties.

Overall, my Long Covid symptoms are ever improving. However, by the end of July, I began to feel increasingly sick, with persistent nighttime fevers, slight cognitive impairment, and overwhelming exhaustion. Imagine dealing with a fever that lasted for an entire month! When I took my first Covid test in the first week of August, it came back negative. I theorized that my body was building immunity by fighting off whatever was causing these symptoms. It wasn’t Covid, and it wasn’t the flu.

As I struggled to understand the persistent heat, fever, and general unwellness, depression began to set in. Instead of these symptoms subsiding, they intensified. Determined to aid my recovery from Long Covid, I turned to blogging and research to ensure I was creating the best conditions for healing.

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